MWD Server Software Requirements & Known Issues

  • Domain Joined Server running Windows 2012r2-2019 – Ideally a fresh clean, fully patched virtual machine running Windows 2016 or 2019.
  • Internet access on the server running MyWorkDrive to activate and initialize the software.
  • Server must be part of a windows active directory domain, member server (MyWorkDrive may be installed on a domain controller in single server environments with known limitations).
  • If not installed directly on the Windows file server, The Server where MyWorkDrive is installed should be on the same LAN as the Windows file server for best performance or in another subnet such as a firewalled DMZ with fast connectivity to any file servers and a domain controller for authentication.
  • We do not support installing MyWorkDrive on a server that is running Small Business Server/Windows Server Essentials, Microsoft Exchange, IIS or any software that include IIS .net components.
  • If using Internet Explorer on the Windows File Server as default browser to manage MyWorkDrive, IE ESC must be off. Chrome Browser Preferred.
  • MWD Server requires internet access or outgoing access to MyWorkDrive license servers at on port 443
  • An old password or permissions still works after you change it in active directory for 15 minutes
  • Windows Search integration optimized for 1-2 TB maximum. 3rd Party support for dtsearch enterprise search available for enterprise licensees.
  • We do not support opening Office files directly on a domain controller (file locks are not handled properly).

Mapped Drive Client

  • * (using CloudFlare) has a 100 MB file size limit (direct connection using your own domain name and SSL Certificate is required for faster speeds and larger files).
  • Windows 7-10 and Mac OSX Sierra+ supported.
  • Like any remote access solution, when remotely editing files through the mapped drive use caution and ensure there is adequate bandwidth. System administrators can limit file size on the admin panel.
  • We recommend excluding the MyWorkDrive Mapped Drive program folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Wanpath from antivirus scanning.

Web File Manager Browser requirements & limitations

  • IE 10+
  • Firefox 7+
  • Safari 4+
  • Chrome 4+
  • MAC – edit documents online only (no direct local edit)
  • Firefox does not support folder upload
  • Office 365 Business account is required to edit Office Documents online (viewing does not require an Office 365 Business Account)
  • Edge browser does not allow downloading of files directly to mapped drive ( known issue with Edge browser)
  • OneDrive file sharing has a 50 MB file maximum when sharing files to OneDrive


  • If an office file is opened via WebDAV, MWD locks write access to the file
  • No support for two-factor authentication
  • WebDAV is slower than MyWorkDrive Browser, Mapped Drive and Mobile Clients
  • Windows & Mac built in WebDAV clients are not recommended
  • For secure environments we recommend disabling WebDAV


  • Edit is available in Mobile Office apps by adding “MyWorkDrive” as a place or on iPads in the browser client
  • Edit is also available in iOS files by enabling “MyWorkDrive” as a location
  • Duo Push Fails on iOS 11.3 or higher if user switches to app to approve – work around here.

Office Online & OneDrive

  • Office Online has a 5 MB maximum for editing excel files online (this is a Microsoft limitation not MyWorkDrive limitation)
  • External Sharing requires free or paid OneDrive account
  • Office Online can’t open 0KB Word document in O365 (created in mapper client), files must have content