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Client Branding settings

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There are basically five elements to branding. All of the changes are made in Admin.

1) Installation name, which is set on Settings and appears on the login screen of the Webclient.

2) Logo, which is set on the bottom of Enterprise. The logo appears appears on the login screens for all clients. The logo won’t appear on install clients until after the first successful login.

3) Colors, which are adjusted on the bottom of Enterprise. Color changes are only used in the webclient.

4) Links, which are set on the bottom of Enterprise and appear in the webclient.

5) Custom Messages, which are set on the bottom of enterprise. The messages about password expiration and account lock out are shown on all clients when applicable. They are used to give specific direction to the user about resolving the issue – call a help desk, visit a help portal, wait 15 minutes, etc.