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macOS Client Release Notes

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7.0 Preview

The 7.0 preview client is backwards compatible with 6.4.x servers; Required for new features in 7.0 servers
-Support for EntraID identity and Azure Storage in version 7
-Support for Duo Universal Prompt in version 7
|-Fixed: editing old office file types
-Fixed: crash after logout after uploading files
-Fixed: subfolders not uploading when upload folder
-Fixed: restricted shares opening pdfs without watermark
-Improved: upload progress in MWD window
-Fixed: incorrect date modified timestamp with folders
-Removed: share internal option from OneDrive shares
-Fixed: folder creation for azure provider
-Fixed: restricted shares opening files locally
-Fixed: multiple retry message for upload
-Fixed: issues with renaming file in subfolder with Azure File Share or Blob storage
-Improved: column view in MWD Window
-Improved: file downloader (write to temp folder – fixes a bug where temp files were placed in Downloads and deleted on logout)

6.4.1 Production

The 6.4.1 client for macOS should be used with 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 server.
-Fixed error handling for public sharing at root level
-Updated workflow when public sharing files
-Fixed bug with setting permissions when creating Public Share links
-Improved file locking with file provider
-Improved downloading OneDrive/Sharepoint
-Made MWD Window the default view when logging in to MyWorkDrive
-Made MWD Window App to permit app switching (cmd+tab, force quit)
-Implemented full screen option in MWD Window
-Implemented breadcrumbs in MWD Window
-Implemented search (filter) in MWD Window
-Improved progress bar when uploading files in MWD Window
-Fixed bug with setting date modified on edited files
-Fixed bug with Files Provider when allow list was enabled
-Fixed bugs in dragging from email (emails, attachments) to MWD Window Production Release
-Fixed a bug opening locked files
-Added feature open in Co-Edit Mode for OneDrive/SharePoint
-Improved the login experience authenticating OneDrive/SharePoint
-Fixed a bug creating public share links
-Fixed a bug with file timezone
-Improved directory listing performance
-Fixed a bug creating new files

6.4.1 Preview

-Improved file locking
-Improved Public Sharing
-Improved backwards compatibility with earlier server versions
-Fixed download limits in Public Sharing

6.4.605 Revised
– Fixed a bug in Public Sharing which resulted in an error being shown.
– Fixed a bug in Duo logins that caused the login to hang.
– Fixed a bug that prevented showing an error when wrong username/password were displayed.

6.4.605 initial release

Download available from the Client Administrators Guide.
Not to be used in Production environments. For QA testing with 6.4 Preview servers only.

New Features

– Added support for OneDrive and SharePoint shares
– Implemented new file saving algorithm to mitigate chances of a failed file being written to the server


– Improved log file handling
– Implemented new directory browsing method with minor performance improvement
– Improved handling of automated logoff when session expires
– Improved UX when cancelling bulk uploader during upload process
– Improved cancellation process when cancelling bulk uploads

Bug Fixes and Miscellaneous

None to report.

6.3.1 Production

MyWorkdrive client for macOS 6-3-559
-Initial 6.3 Production Release
-Fixed a bug related to closing DLP windows on exit/sign-off from the client
-Improved file locking for legacy office file types (doc, xls, ppt)
-Fixed a bug related to installing when you have an active logged in session

MyWorkdrive client for macOS 6-3 Preview 6-3-0-558
-Fixed a bug related to DLP windows opening from File Provider
-Fixed a bug related to file locking for legacy office types (old file type, not xlsx, pptx, docx)

MyWorkdrive client for macOS 6-3 Preview 6-3-0-554
-Fixed a bug related to download size limits
-Resolved the issue with the MyWorkDrive shortcut in Favorites in Finder

MyWorkdrive client for macOS 6-3 Preview 6-3-0-545
– Preview Release

6.3 New Features

File Provider replacement as file system driver instead of Fuse for MacOS

6.3 Improvements

Improved folder path handling in Bulk Uploader
Improved warning when Office Online is not avaialable
Changed window titles to remove reference to X in macOS

6.3 Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug in utliziation of Office Online and Local Resources in regular (non restricted) shares
Fixed a bug in the MWD window when displaying stacked shares

6.3 Known Issues

  • File locking is not supported with legacy office file types (doc, ppt, xls). Resolved in build
  • Folder loading performance on shares with a large number of files can be slow at times.
  • DLP shares are intermittently reporting a load error. Resolved in build
  • The Favorites link for MyWorkDrive is not active. Access MyWorkDrive shares through the link in Locations Resolved in build

Past releases

macOS Map Drive Version 6-2-0-527 Production Release
Adds support for Device Approval and misc bug fixes.

macOS Map Drive Version 6-1-1-470 Production Release

production release of 6.1 macOS Client.
Supports macOS 11 BigSur including M1 processors
Adds support for DLP restricted view in macOS

macOS Map Drive Version 6.0.2
Update for 6.0.1 production to support Graph API based office online editing

macOS Map Drive Version 6-1-0-448 Preview Release
***Not Suitable for production use. Use in a test/QA environment only.***

New Features
Support for Macs using the new Apple M1 processor. It is critical that you review our instruction guide for information about enabling macFuse on Macs with the new M1 processor prior to attempting install.
Open in Office online option.

Improved server url field validation
Improved user experience when an invalid server URL is entered.
Updates to support macFuse version 4 file system extension

macOS Map Drive Version 6-0-2-459 Office Online Edit Patch
Supports 6.0.2 servers for new Office Online Editing options

macOS Map Drive Version 6-0-0-455
-Fixed a bug with encoding user passwords during login resulting in failed logins
-Improved experience using HTTP server URLs (macOS is depricating support for HTTP and this is a temporary work around, please consider migrating your server login to HTTPS using an SSL Certificate or Cloud Web Connector)

macOS Map Drive Version 6-0-0-451
-Update to support Fuse 4.x
-Add ability to open in Office Online for users who do not have Office installed locall
-Fix for temporary files left on shares after file editing in Preview
-Improved server URL field validation
-Improved user experience when an invalid server URL is entered

macOS Map Drive Version 6-0-0-439
Production Release
-Improvements to Block List, Allow List are case sensitive
-Revisions to threading in bulk upload to improve reliability
-Additional messages and logging around file errors/completion in Bulk Uploader
-Refinement to file size limit adherence in bulk uploader
-Improvements to the accuracy of the progress bar and a file count in bulk uploader

macOS Map Drive Version 6-0-0-436 preview
-Fixed bugs in bulk uploader related to multi-threading and subfolders.
-Added replacement text for block file items
-Fixed bugs in Block/Allow list related to case/syntax
-Fixed a bug in allow list related to office temp files
-Fixed a bug related to saving Excel documents greater than 15mb
-Fixed a bug related to saving small files.
-Fixed a bug related to Duo logins

macOS Map Drive Version 6-0-preview Preview Release

New features
Add Favorite for MyWorkDrive in Finder Locations
Notarized Installer (improves install experience on Catalina)
Share Internal
Block/Allow List
Added support for SSO Logoff (when supported by idp)
Added upload/download thread settings
Added upload/download buffer size settings

Fixes and Improvements
Improve directory browsing speed
Fixed a bug with Duo prompting on login
Underlying code improvements to improve performance and stability.
Removed limitation on Cloud Web Connector domains.
Fixed an issue with uploading large files.
Fixed an issue with Remember me.


macOS Map Drive Version

-Added lock refresh feature for open documents
-Fixed a bug with file lock release on program exit (when documents are not closed)
-Add prohibition for invalid characters in file/folder names
-Fixed a bug related to opening files with non alpha numeric characters
-Removed feature which showed file lock in finder due to incompatibilties with different versions of macOS

macOS Map Drive Version

– Fixed a bug related to folder creation/renaming
– Added file based event logging to client
– Fixed an issue with non English characters (specifically Swedish and Chinese Simplified)
– Fixed a bug related to saving PPT (Office 97) Files
– Fixed a bug related to rapid opening/saving and co-editing of documents related to finder previews
– Improved Custom warning messages for expired passwords and account lock outs.


*** Server Version or above strongly recommended ***

-Improved message when attempting to write to a read only file or folder.
-Improved messages when file size limits are enabled.


macOS Map Drive Preview Version

*** Server Version or above strongly recommended ***

– Added Custom Error Message for Password Expired and Account Locked Out
– Added Map Drive client specific file size limits

Open known issues
– Messaging when attempting to write to a read only folder needs improvement.
– Some improvmeents to messaging for when file/folder path is too deep are being researched.

macOS Map Drive Preview Version

*** Server Version or above strongly recommended ***

– Added file in use warning message to office documents which are currently in use (locked) by another user
– Improved messages for path names of files and folders which are too deep.

Open known issues
– Messaging when attempting to write to a read only folder needs improvement.

A couple of our newer features of MyWorkDrive server are not yet supported
– Custom Error Message for Password Expired and Account Locked Out
– Map Drive client specific file size limits


macOS Map Drive Preview Version

*** This version requires Server Version or above***

– Fixed known issue of User Name saved when Remember Me not checked.
– Fixed known issue of items changed by other clients or network users not refreshed in finder.
– Removed “Clear Cache” from menu since cache is no longer used
– Fixed Fuse Version warnings in Installer and on Launch

Open known issues

– Opening office documents which are in use (locked) by another user will not produce the same locked/in use message as connecting via SMB or PC Map Drive Client. Warnings about the file being read only appear in the Window title bar and when saving.
– A generic system message is shown for path or file names which are too deep instead of an informative message.

Additionally, a couple of our newer features of MyWorkDrive server are not yet supported –
– Custom Error Message for Password Expired and Account Locked Out
– Map Drive client specific file size limits


Release Notes: macOS Map Drive Preview Version

*** This version requires Server Version or above***

Improved file operations for Office Documents
Improved file transfer speed
Fixed issues related to crashes in Fuse
Fixed issues when copying large files.
Fixed issues related to changes in file systems for macOS 10.14 Mojave
Limited testing has been conducted on macOS 10.15 Catalina. One issue noted below.
General improvements to stability.

Open known issues

– The notation about required Fuse version needs to be updated on install and run. Please use Fuse 10.3.4 (latest) with client 5.4.2.
– User names are occasionally saved even when “remember me” is not checked.
– Opening office documents which are in use (locked) by another user will not produce the same locked/in use message as connecting via SMB or PC Map Drive Client. Warnings about the file being read only appear in the Window title bar and when saving.
– A generic system message is shown for path or file names which are too deep instead of an informative message.
– Files changed in other clients or on the network may not immediately display as changed in Finder. If the file is deleted or renamed you will get a message that the removed file cannot be accessed. Changed files are updated to the latest on open, so don’t worry that you could be editing some old version of the file. Its just the display which may, at times, fall out of date.

Additionally, a couple of our newer features of MyWorkDrive server are not yet supported –
– Custom Error Message for Password Expired and Account Locked Out
– Map Drive client specific file size limits

Finally, please note that on Catalina 10.15, you must authorize the application when you attempt to install by visiting security & privacy in system preferences to approve it.

A warning message will appear during install indicating it cannot be completed. Immediately after you receive it, go to security and privacy and the message will appear there to approve.


Release Notes: Mac Map Drive Version

– Improved handling of file locking for office documents
– Fixed a bug in messages regarding password saving
– Added handling for custom logos
– Added check for minimum Fuse version to setup
– General performance improvements


Release Notes: Mac Map Drive Version

– Added support for SSO Logins with ADFS/SAML.
– Added server logging to note Mac client, version and accessed URL
– Added a prompt to note OSX Fuse is required during install
– Improved login experience including remember me and saving of server address / username and password and URL checking
– Improved login performance
– Improved display of system messages about file size, password saving and blocked shares
– Corrected error message about server address and SSL/TLS warning messages.
– Corrected an issue with Duo and Dongle code entry

Release notes: Mac Preview Version 5


-Fixed directory issue

-Hide file extensions excluded from admin panel (Whitelist/Blocklist)


-Fix user logging on multiple time throws error

-Updated to support disabling password saving

Release notes: Mac

Version 1.1.248

-Fix user logging on multiple time throws error

Version 1.1.246

-Updated minimum version check

Version 1.1.242

– fix log off issues to completely clear connection when switching between servers
– remove duplicate pop up notification on file size limits
– Notify user that password has expired as reason they can’t login
– Allow administrator to put default settings config xml file in users documents folder specifying server URL, username and startup options
– Add feedback on sign-in to inform user system is processing while waiting to sign-in.

Version 1.1.236

-Fixed issues connecting to older 4.0 MyWorkDrive servers

-Added feedback while waiting for login to complete

Version 1.1.222

-Fixed issue with parsing date/time stamps for files/folders not displaying mac drive client

Version 1.1.213

-Fixed issues relating to run at startup/saving credentials

Version 1.1.2

-Added feedback when path limits reached on saving files

-Support for MWD Server 4.0.1 or higher

Version 1.1

-Added Support for Server Version 4.0.1 and higher

Version 1.0
