
For customers who are not using *.myworkdrive.net as their production MyWorkDrive Web URL, you may wish to redirect http to https. To complete this task you must have your own company SSL Certificate bound to the Webclient site and have ports 80 and 443 open on your firewall inbound to the MyWorkDrive server. This ensures users who only type your MWD public server host name into a browser window are automatically redirected from http to https.

Note: beginning with Version 4.1 of MyWorkDrive server we now provide the built in utility to redirect http to https. As long as port 80 and 443 are both bound to the WebClient site in IIS, simply set the option to “Require SSL” in the MWD Admin panel. These manual instructions are no longer needed beginning with version 4.1

Note as the instructions indicate the https redirect should only apply to your external dns host name. MyWorkDrive uses http on port 8357 for internal use and to communication over a secure tunnel with Microsoft Office Online, thus a blanket http to https rule will break office 365 integration.


1. Make sure your hostname is bound to ports 80 and 443 on the Wanpath.WebClient site.

2. Access IIS Administration, Search for and obtain the URL Rewrite add-in:

3. After installing URL Rewrite, navigate to the WanPath.WebClient site in IIS and click on URL Rewrite.

4. In the right pane, click “Add Rule(s)…”

5. Follow the pictures below to set up the URL Rewrite rule, replacing “url-rewrite.fileshareaccess.com” with your hostname.

6. Click “Apply rule”