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Windows WebDAV Client

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Windows WebDAV Client

Requirements: Windows 7-10

The Microsoft WebDAV client is called WebDAV Mini Redirector. With the built in WebDAV client for Windows you can map a drive letter to your MyWorkDrive server shares with optional Windows WebDAV server functionality enabled.

Note: Due to security concerns with WebDAV and limitations with the built in WebDAV client for Windows we recommend using the MyWorkDrive drive mapping client or if you must use WebDAV, the commercial software Webdrive WebDAV client.

When utilizing Windows to map to a WebDAV share, your performance may be degraded if the “Automatically detect settings” setting within Internet Explorer is enabled.

Within Internet Explorer, go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Connections [Tab] -> Lan Settings -> Uncheck “Automatically detect settings”.

Windows WebDAV limitations:

  • Windows prompts for password to open and save every time the mapped drive is accessed
  • Slowness when using Auto proxy settings
  • WebDAV does not support Two Factor or SAML Single Sign-On
  • Timeout on large file transfers.
  • Hangs if the user does not have access to read and/or write to a file or directory or there are file size limits set in MyWorkDrive server settings.
  • Please note the web folders service needs to be running to map a webdav drive in Windows and those components are not installed on Windows server by default ( desktop experience feature ).

Mapping a Drive:

  1. Right click on My Computer and select Map Network Drive.
  2. In the Folder “entry field”, enter your MyWorkDrive URL.

For the URL For Url/Address enter the address provided for your MyWorkDrive web connection when you signed up (Typically or your own site if you’re self-hosted and using your own domain name and SSL Certificate –

If you would like to map to a specific share instead of the root of your WebDAV site append the share name you created after /dav for example: /dav/shared

Click “Connect using different credentials”. Enter the username and password that you use to login to your Windows Domain.Enter your username and password in the authentication box that appears.