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MyWorkDrive Cloud Virtual Machine Setup and Evaluation Guide

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The Virtual Machine image of MyWorkDrive server in Azure and AWS is a great way for companies to evaluate the MyWorkDrive service or to permanently run their file servers in the cloud. The MyWorkDrive virtual machine image creates a server that can be joined to an existing Windows Active Directory Domain or use Entra ID to authenticate users, A sample demo file share is setup automatically as part of the initial setup. All logins are managed in Active Directory or Entra ID. A public website URL and demonstration share are created automatically so you can begin testing immediately.

After the initial setup and restart a fully functional standalone MyWorkDrive Cloud File Server with a sample file share and website URL is ready for testing.

Server Remote Desktop & Admin Logon

Login to the server using the same username/password combination that you used when you deployed your Server or for AWS gather windows credentials for administrator using the EC2 console using your key pair.

This same username and password is used to login to the MyWorkDrive Admin Panel (shortcut on the desktop):

The Server Admin Panel will display in a browser or using the built in Edge Webview . All end user MyWorkDrive settings and features are managed here – File Shares, Storage, Office 365 Integration, Search, Logs and reports, etc.

Web Client Login

Shortly after setup you should have received your website login by email. Login using a browser (Chrome recommended) to your company’s website url– e.g. using the username/password that you choose when you setup the server.

Click the Demo Share begin testing:

Upload/download files – upload a sample of office, picture and pdf files using the menu bar or drag and drop files and folders to upload them

View Documents online – Upload an office document and double click to open it online. Login to Office 365 and edit it online. Note all files remain on your MyWorkDrive server and are saved automatically.

Share Documents – Share Internally – create a link to email & Share Externally using OneDrive

Create new files/folders

Mobile Client Testing

Download our mobile client, login to your website url and download and view files/folders.

Mapped Drive Testing

Download our mapped drive client, login to your website url and download and view files/folders.

Next Steps

View the Full Server Setup Guide to continue testing your MyWorkDrive virtual Machine or download the full server trial to install on-premise into your existing Active Directory infrastructure.

Connect to Azure File Shares with SMB and Active Directory or Connect to Azure Storage Over API when using Entra ID.

Additional Resources:

Setup Entra ID for MyWorkDrive

Managing Active Directory Users & Groups

Add Additional Windows Folder Shares and add them to MyWorkDrive Server Shares

Add your own domain name and test our mapped drive and mobile clients.

Deploy Azure Backup to protect your data