The Current State of File Sharing: Comparing Public and Private Cloud for Remote Work

As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent in a post-COVID world, organizations of all sizes must consider the best file sharing options to ensure compliance and maintain high-security standards. This is particularly crucial for compliance and security-minded sectors such as government, military, and healthcare, which handle sensitive and confidential data. Let’s explore the current state of file sharing and compare cloud-based solutions to on-premise private cloud setups in the context of these organizations versus small businesses.


Cloud-based file sharing has gained significant traction in recent years, providing scalable and accessible solutions for businesses of all sizes. Cloud storage allows for seamless collaboration, remote access, and automatic synchronization of files. For small businesses, cloud solutions offer several advantages, including reduced upfront costs, minimal maintenance requirements, and the ability to scale resources based on demand. This makes cloud-based file sharing an attractive option for small organizations with limited IT resources.

However, compliance and security-minded organizations, such as government, military, and healthcare, have unique considerations. These sectors handle highly sensitive data, often subject to strict regulations and compliance requirements. For such organizations, on-premise private cloud setups offer greater control and customization options. With an on-premise private cloud, data storage and file sharing infrastructure are maintained within the organization’s own premises, providing a higher level of physical control over data.

By opting for an on-premise private cloud, compliance and security-minded organizations can design and enforce their own security protocols. They can implement specific access controls, encryption methods, and monitoring systems tailored to their unique requirements. This level of control enables organizations to ensure compliance with industry regulations and mitigate potential risks associated with storing and sharing sensitive data.

Moreover, on-premise private cloud setups can address concerns related to data sovereignty, which is particularly crucial for government organizations. By keeping data within their own premises, these organizations can maintain strict control over data residency and ensure that sensitive information remains within the jurisdictional boundaries.

However, it is important to note that on-premise private cloud setups come with higher upfront costs, require dedicated IT infrastructure, and demand specialized technical expertise to set up and maintain. These factors may pose challenges for smaller businesses with limited resources and IT capabilities.

Cloud-based file sharing solutions, on the other hand, offer robust security measures and compliance features. Reputable cloud providers implement industry-standard encryption, authentication protocols, and regular backups to protect data from unauthorized access. Many cloud providers also adhere to stringent compliance frameworks, such as HIPAA for healthcare organizations or FedRAMP for government agencies. These compliance certifications provide added assurance to security-minded organizations that the cloud provider meets specific security standards.

Additionally, cloud providers often have dedicated security teams and resources to monitor and respond to emerging threats promptly. This level of expertise may not be readily available or feasible for smaller organizations to maintain in-house.

Compliance and security-minded organizations, such as government, military, and healthcare, face unique challenges when it comes to file sharing in a remote work environment. While on-premise private cloud setups offer greater control and customization, they come with higher costs and technical complexities. Cloud-based file sharing solutions provide scalability, accessibility, and robust security measures that can meet the compliance requirements of these organizations. However, it is essential for these organizations to conduct a thorough assessment of cloud providers, ensuring that they meet the necessary compliance standards and offer suitable security measures. Ultimately, the choice between cloud-based file sharing and on-premise private cloud will depend on the specific needs, resources, and compliance obligations of each organization.

Daniel, Founder of, has worked in various technology management roles serving enterprises, government and education in the San Francisco bay area since 1992. Daniel is certified in Microsoft Technologies and writes about information technology, security and strategy and has been awarded US Patent #9985930 in Remote Access Networking