S3 vs Azure Blob Storage

A graphic showing Amazon S3 vs Azure Blob storage.
Data storage solutions are an integral part of modern business operations. Among the many options available, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and Microsoft Azure Blob Storage stand out as two of the most prominent and widely adopted cloud storage platforms. As businesses increasingly migrate some or all of their data to the cloud, the decision between these two becomes crucial, with far-reaching implications for cost-efficiency, performance, security, and overall operational effectiveness. This article delves into the key differences, strengths, and considerations when it comes to S3 vs Azure Blob to help you make an informed choice for your organization’s storage needs.

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) and Azure Blob Storage are both leading cloud storage solutions that offer scalable, durable, and secure options for businesses of all sizes. However, there are competitive differences between the two platforms that organizations should carefully consider when selecting a cloud storage provider that aligns with their unique requirements.

S3 vs Azure Blob Storage: Cost Considerations

One of the primary factors driving cloud storage adoption is cost-effectiveness. Both Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage offer pay-as-you-go pricing models, allowing you to optimize costs based on your specific storage needs, data access patterns, and budgetary constraints. The figures below are not extensive, as configuring pricing is highly situational, but these do offer a rough estimate and are priced in USD. To read in more depth about costs associated with cloud storage in general, click here.

Amazon S3 Pricing:

  • $0.023 per GB/month for standard storage (first 50 TB)
  • $5 per 1 million Class A operations (e.g., PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST requests)
  • $0.40 per 1 million Class B operations (e.g., GET and other requests)
  • $0.09 per GB/month for data egress (first 10 TB)
  • Multiple storage tiers available, including S3 Glacier for long-term archival storage at a lower cost

Azure Blob Storage Pricing:

  • $0.018 per GB/month for the “hot” storage tier (frequent access, first 50 TB)
  • $6.50 per 1 million Class A operations (e.g., PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST requests)
  • $0.50 per 1 million Class B operations (e.g., GET and other requests)
  • $0.087 per GB/month for data egress (first 100 GB free)
  • Multiple tiers available, including “cool” and “archive” for less frequently accessed data at a reduced cost

Data Egress Cost Example for 10TB:

Amazon S3:

  • Data egress cost from S3 is $0.09 per GB/month.
  • For 10 TB (10,000 GB) of data egress, the cost would be:
  • 10,000 GB x $0.09 per GB = $900

Azure Blob Storage:

  • Data egress cost from Azure Blob Storage (Hot tier) is $0.087 per GB/month (first 100 GB free).
  • For 10 TB (10,000 GB) of data egress, the cost would be:
  • 9,900 GB x $0.087 per GB = $861.30

It’s important to note that these calculations are based on the standard egress pricing for each service’s “hot” or frequently accessed storage tier. The costs may vary depending on the specific storage tier you’re using (e.g., S3 Glacier, Azure Cool Blob Storage) and any applicable discounts or pricing models. Of course navigating pricing can be a complex task with many inputs and variables, the examples above are vastly simplified. Here is the pricing page for Amazon S3, and here is the pricing page for Azure Blob.

S3 vs Azure Blob Storage: Performance and Scalability

Both Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage are designed to handle large-scale workloads and provide high performance, but there are some nuances in their capabilities that are worth exploring.

Amazon S3:

  • Highly scalable with virtually unlimited storage capacity
  • Fast data retrieval and transfer rates, enabling rapid access to your data
  • Automatic data replication across multiple data centers for enhanced durability and availability
  • Supports concurrent use of multiple prefixes for required throughput, allowing for parallel data access
  • No limits on the number of prefixes, enabling flexible and organized storage structuring

Azure Blob Storage:

  • High-performance storage with tiered access options (hot, cool, and archive) to optimize costs based on data usage patterns
  • Automatic data replication across multiple data centers, ensuring data resilience and availability
  • Supports large file sizes, up to 8 TB for page blobs, catering to diverse storage needs
  • Configurable throughput limits based on storage account type, allowing for performance optimization

While both services offer impressive scalability and performance, Amazon S3 may have an edge in terms of overall throughput and flexible storage structuring, making it a compelling choice for workloads that demand high concurrency and rapid data access. To read more about cloud scalability click here.

S3 vs Azure Blob Storage: Security and Compliance

Both Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage provide robust security features and compliance certifications to safeguard your organization’s sensitive data and ensure adherence to legal and regulatory requirements.

Amazon S3:

  • Data encryption at rest and in transit, protecting your data from unauthorized access
  • Access control lists (ACLs) and bucket policies for granular access control, enabling fine-grained permissions management
  • Compliance with various industry standards and regulations, including HIPAA, PCI-DSS, ISO, and others, ensuring your data meets the necessary security and privacy requirements
  • Integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for centralized access control and user management across AWS services

Azure Blob Storage:

  • Data encryption at rest and in transit, ensuring end-to-end data protection
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Azure Active Directory integration for granular access management
  • Integration with Entra ID and Managed Identities to provide secure access by user or service without a seperate storage key
  • Compliance with industry standards and regulations, such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, ISO, and more, allowing you to meet regulatory obligations
  • Advanced threat protection features, including Azure Defender for Storage, providing an additional layer of security against potential threats

While both platforms offer strong security features and compliance certifications, Azure Blob Storage provides Managed Identity secure access without the need for a global security key and additional advanced threat protection capabilities through Azure Defender for Storage, which may be a significant advantage for organizations operating in highly regulated industries or with stringent security requirements. Click here for an in depth security review of Amazon vs Microsoft cloud storage.

S3 vs Azure Blob Storage: Ecosystem and Integrations

The choice between Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage often depends on an organization’s existing cloud infrastructure and ecosystem preferences. Seamless integration with other cloud services and tools can streamline operations, enhance productivity, and reduce the complexity of managing disparate systems.

Amazon S3:

  • Part of the broader Amazon Web Services (AWS) ecosystem, enabling seamless integration with other AWS services
  • Tight integration with services like EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), Lambda (serverless computing), and CloudFront (content delivery network)
  • APIs and SDKs available for integration with third-party tools and applications, facilitating custom solutions and workflows

Azure Blob Storage:

  • Integrated with the Microsoft cloud ecosystem, including Azure services like Virtual Machines, Functions, and Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Tight coupling with other Azure services using managed identities allowing for secure data management and processing
  • APIs and SDKs for integration with third-party tools and applications, enabling customization and extensibility

Organizations already invested in the AWS or Microsoft cloud ecosystems may find it more convenient to adopt the respective cloud storage solution for better integration, streamlined management, and a cohesive technology stack.

S3 vs Azure Blob Storage: Durability and Availability

Data durability and availability are critical considerations for any cloud storage solution, as they ensure your data remains accessible and protected against potential failures or disasters. Both Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage offer industry-leading durability and availability guarantees, providing peace of mind for your mission-critical data.

Amazon S3:

  • Designed for 11 nines (99.999999999%) of durability, ensuring exceptional data resilience
  • Automatic data replication across multiple data centers within a region, safeguarding against localized failures
  • Supports cross-region replication for enhanced data protection and disaster recovery capabilities

Azure Blob Storage:

  • Designed for 11 nines (99.999999999%) of durability, on par with Amazon S3’s durability guarantee
  • Automatic data replication within and across data centers, ensuring high availability and data redundancy
  • Supports geo-redundant storage (GRS) for replication across regions, providing an additional layer of protection against regional outages

Regardless of whether you choose Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage, you can rest assured that your data will be highly durable and available, with automatic replication and failover mechanisms in place to mitigate the risk of data loss or service interruptions.


Choosing between Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage is a critical decision that requires careful consideration of your organization’s unique requirements, existing technology investments, and long-term goals. While both cloud storage solutions offer robust features, scalability, and security, there are distinct advantages and trade-offs associated with each platform.

If you have a strong presence in the AWS ecosystem, require high-throughput storage with flexible structuring, or prioritize cost-effectiveness for data operations and egress, Amazon S3 may be the preferred choice. Its seamless integration with other AWS services, virtually unlimited scalability, and competitive pricing for data transfers make it an attractive option for many businesses.

On the other hand, if you are heavily invested in the Microsoft cloud ecosystem, operate in highly regulated industries with stringent security requirements, or value advanced threat protection features, Azure Blob Storage could be a better fit. Its tight coupling with Azure services, compliance with industry standards, and advanced security capabilities through Azure Defender for Storage provide a compelling value proposition.

Ultimately, both Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage are robust, scalable, and secure cloud storage solutions, backed by industry giants with a proven track record of reliability, innovation, and global reach. The choice between them will depend on your unique business needs, existing technology stack, and strategic priorities.

Regardless of your decision, it is crucial to conduct a thorough evaluation of your specific use cases, performance requirements, and budgetary constraints. Additionally, consider the long-term implications of your choice, as migrating between cloud storage platforms can be a complex and resource-intensive process. Vendor lock-in is a real concern when choosing a cloud storage provider and something that must be considered in this process. Click here to read more about the costs and drawback associated with vendor lock-in.


What security features and compliance certifications do Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage offer?

Both Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage prioritize data security and compliance. They provide data encryption at rest and in transit, access control mechanisms, and compliance with industry standards such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and ISO. However, Azure Blob Storage offers additional advanced threat protection features through Azure Defender for Storage, enhancing security for organizations with stringent requirements.

What are the primary factors influencing the cost difference between Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage?

The cost difference between Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage is influenced by various factors such as storage tiers, data access patterns, and egress fees. Both platforms offer pay-as-you-go pricing models, but specific rates vary based on storage tiers (e.g., hot, cool, archive), data egress costs, and operation types (Class A and Class B operations).

How do Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage differ in terms of performance and scalability?

Both Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage provide high performance and scalability, but there are nuances in their capabilities. Amazon S3 boasts virtually unlimited storage capacity, fast data retrieval rates, and flexible storage structuring. Azure Blob Storage offers tiered access options and configurable throughput limits, catering to diverse storage needs and optimizing performance based on usage patterns.

What are the key factors to consider when choosing between Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure Blob Storage for cloud storage needs?

Several factors should influence the decision between Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage, including cost-effectiveness, performance, scalability, security features, compliance certifications, ecosystem integrations, and durability/availability guarantees. Organizations should evaluate these factors based on their specific requirements and priorities to make an informed choice.

Daniel, Founder of MyWorkDrive.com, has worked in various technology management roles serving enterprises, government and education in the San Francisco bay area since 1992. Daniel is certified in Microsoft Technologies and writes about information technology, security and strategy and has been awarded US Patent #9985930 in Remote Access Networking